Introducing dgit
I want to take a moment to acknowledge the profound impact that COVID-19 has had on the world. To everyone who is putting themselves on the frontlines in order to serve our communities: we sincerely thank you. Your efforts can’t be overstated and we couldn’t survive without you.
And while we on the team are each huddled in with our families, doing our part to #stayathome, we’re still hard at work building smart, useful, developer tools that will help #buildthefuture.
That’s why I’m proud to announce our newest developer tool, dgit (which recently placed in the Sia Skynet Hackathon).
Dgit is decentralized git for your repos. With a single command and no change to your Github workflow, you’ll have decentralized storage for all of your code.
While git itself is decentralized, storage and permissions have required a centralized third party. dgit allows these same permissions and trust, but in a fully decentralized manner. It’s not designed to replace your Github workflow, but rather offer a fully decentralized, always-available, uncensorable mirror of your code.
Tupelo does Trust. Sia does Storage.
dgit is built on the Tupelo DLT platform and backed by Sia’s skynet storage. When a developer installs dgit and runs init on a repo, they’ll automatically enable a decentralized mirror. They can keep this mirror as just a backup of their otherwise centralized code, or use it exclusively (eliminating the centralized tether entirely).
We’re really proud of how practical and easy-to-use dgit is.
It just works.
Give it a try and let us know what you think on gitter.
Keep safe and keep building.
-Topper Bowers
Founder & CEO, Quorum Control
PS- Read about the other great projects from the hackathon.